Sunday 16 November 2014

Need some proteins?

AFA algae is a complete protein source containing approximately 60 percent protein.
 Eighteen amino acids (protein building blocks) are present in AFA algae. The protein and amino acids in AFA is in highly assimilable glycoprotein and amino acid peptide forms instead of the lipoprotein form found in animal products such as beef and chicken (which are usually cooked into even more difficult-to-digest forms of protein). Therefore, it takes less energy to digest and utilize algae protein. Additionally, neurotransmitters for brain health can be produced from AFA protein more easily and swiftly due to its ease of digestibility.

Protein is used to construct, maintain, and repair every tissue in our bodies from our bones, teeth, muscles, nerves, glands, heart, blood, liver, skin, hair, and everything in between. A lack of protein is mostly associated with muscular weakness, slow healing, and brain chemistry imbalances.
 An excess of animal protein is associated with heart disease, kidney disease, cancer, and colon cancer. It is becoming more and more clear that plant-based, complete protein sources are of critical importance for the future—this is exactly what superfoods provide and this is exactly what AFA algae provides. Some of the free amino acid peptides found in AFA may be responsible for helping to detoxify our bodies of heavy metals.

 Dr. Gillian McKeith reports in her booklet Miracle Superfood: Wild Blue-Green Algae that in her clinical experience AFA algae has been effective in chelating (removing) dangerous, toxic heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, and mercury. She recommends consuming 0.21 to 0.35 ounces (6 to 10 grams) of AFA blue-green algae daily for severe cases of heavy-metal toxicity.

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