Sunday 16 November 2014

Klamath Lake Blue Green Algae — The Ultimate Brain Food and Aphrodisiac

Phenylethylamine (PEA) - "Love molecule"

Also found within AFA algae is a concentrated level of phenylethylamine (PEA), an adrenal and brain chemical naturally synthesized in our bodies from two amino acids: phenylalanine and tyrosine. PEA increases the activity of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) in parts of the brain that control our ability to pay attention and stay alert.Elevated PEA levels occur when we are captivated by a good book, movie, or project; this happens specifically during those moments when we are so focused that we lose all track of time, food, and the outside world. PEA is noticeably abundant in the brains of happy people.

PEA has also been dubbed the “love molecule.” It helps to create feelings of attraction, excitement, and euphoria. When we fall in love our PEA levels increase; we become peppy and full of optimism. The brain releases PEA when we are sexually aroused. PEA levels can peak during orgasm. When the brain is flooded with PEA, the neurotransmitter dopamine is then blocked from being deactivated and dopamine levels rise.

Elevated dopamine levels are associated with increasing mental concentration and a positive attitude. PEA also increases the effectiveness of another neurotransmitter, nor-epinephrine, which increases feelings of joy. In one experiment, investigators found that aerobic exercise can elevate the body’s levels of (PEA). PEA is part of the endorphin-induced “runner’s high” that enhances energy, mood, and attention. When researchers had twenty healthy young men run on a treadmill for 30 minutes, they found that the average concentration of PEA in the participants’ urine increased by 77 percent. In addition, the research indicated that patients suffering from depression and bipolar disorder had lower-than-normal levels of PEA in their urine.

PEA is found premade and in great natural abundance in two foods that we know: cacao and blue-green algae (especially in blue phycocyanin). These two foods can significantly elevate the presence of PEA in our brain. AFA and cacao keep our PEA levels high, no matter what is happening in our life. Blue-green algae works synergistically with cacao in creating a strong ability to focus and pay attention even if we suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).

 One study looking at blue-green algae as a brain food followed 109 students who were fed blue-green algae. The study concluded that the children had a significant improvement in the ability to focus, follow directions, and concentrate. In addition the children experienced a reduction in argumentative, demanding, and combative behavior, fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression, an improvement in social skills, and fewer signs of emotional and behavioral withdrawal. Drapeau references a study in Primordial Food that indicates oral doses of PEA at the rate of 10 mg per day decreased symptoms of depression in 60 percent of the patients tested. In addition, PEA did not cause the patients to gain weight, as most people do with antidepressants; instead, they actually lost weight. AFA contains approximately 2 mg per gram of PEA. AFA concentrates are now available that contain 10 mg of PEA per gram. PEA has no side effects; chemical dependency issues and tolerance limits over time (i.e., doses may stay the same over long periods) are not a concern. PEA appears to be the primary active ingredient that inhibits appetite and helps people to lose weight when they consume AFA blue-green algae. In a double-blind crossover study involving human patients, supplementing the diets of obese outpatients with 2.8 grams of blue-green algae three times daily over a four-week period resulted in a statistically significant reduction of body weight.

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