Sunday 16 November 2014

Health benefits

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Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) blue-green algae are made primarily of soft proteins and polysaccharides that are easily digested by our intestinal bacteria that in turn then feed our blood and cells. This “softness” makes AFA one of the most digestible and utilizable protein foods in all of nature. This “soft” characteristic is unusual for plant cells, but is common for animal cells; this is a reason why blue-green algae are often considered 25 percent animal. AFA is loaded with chlorophyll (1–2 percent of its dry weight).

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Chlorophyll helps build our blood due to the presence of the pyrol ring in chlorophyll, which is identical to the pyrol ring found in hemoglobin. Chlorophyll helps fight leukemia as well as certain forms of skin and liver cancer. Additionally, chlorophyll helps to deodorize the bowels. AFA contains an extraordinarily high concentration of the blue-pigment phycocyanin (15 percent) which helps preload the immune system by stimulating the production of more stem cells from the bone marrow. Stem cells are the basic form of all cells and can be transformed into any cell (including T-cells, NK cells, macrophages, and other immune system cell artillery). AFA is known to contain an exceptional forty major and trace minerals, picked up from the constant stirring of nearly thirty feet of mineral sediment at the bottom of Klamath Lake. Minerals are the atomic matrix of our bodies and are necessary to build every tissue including our bones, teeth, skin, hair, nails, internal organs, muscular system, immune system, and nervous system.

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Generally, the more domesticated our food is, the more mineral deficient it becomes. Weston Price’s work in Nutrition and Physical Degeneration demonstrated that the more one adopts a “civilized”
diet, the more quickly mineral deficiency symptoms appear. Mineral deficiencies have been associated with every degenerative and chronic condition known to humankind. The key solution to mineral deficiencies appears to be including wild foods in our diet. AFA is a wild food. AFA is an excellent source of B vitamins including appreciable amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and B12. In general, B vitamins fight stress by helping to more efficiently convert polysaccharides and other carbohydrates into glucose for immediately available energy, endurance, and stamina.
The vitamin B12 found in AFA may or may not be usable by the human body. Dr. Gabriel Cousens’s clinical research indicates that the vitamin B12 in AFA does not increase serum B12 levels in human blood, indicating that the B12 in AFA is unavailable. AFA is also an important source of vitamin C. AFA contains omega-3 fatty acids, including the long- chain omega-3 fatty acid known as docosahexanoic acid (DHA). AFA also contains the phospholipid choline. This makes AFA a brain and nervous system supporting food.

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